Video Details:
Date: 2024/04/22 File Size: 70.96 MB
Duration: 00:01:12 Frame Size: 3840 x 2160

Full Pink Moon Occurring On April 24th

(FILE VIDEO) On april 24th, 2024, full pink moon will light up skies around the world. The April Pink Moon is a term used to refer to the full moon that occurs in April. It's called the "Pink Moon" not because the moon itself appears pink, but rather because it coincides with the blooming of pink wildflowers known as moss pink or phlox. This name originated from Native American tribes, who used the moons to track the seasons. Each full moon of the year has its own traditional name, often based on the activities or natural phenomena associated with that time of year. While the April Pink Moon may not actually appear pink, it's still a beautiful sight and marks an important celestial event in the lunar calendar. Video shows moon footage captured around Abruzzo, Italy, during last years.

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