Video Details:
Date: 2024/05/22 File Size: 178.96 MB
Duration: 00:01:33 Frame Size: 1920 x 1080

World's Tallest Shiva Lingam at Chenkal Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple

The world's tallest Shiva Lingam is standing at Chenkal Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple in Chenkal, Kerala, India, on April 10, 2024. The Shiva Lingam at Chenkal Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple is measuring a record height of 111.2 feet and is making an entry into the India Book of Records for being the tallest Shiva Lingam in the world. Construction of the Shiva Lingam is beginning in 2012 and is taking 6 years to complete, reaching a height equivalent to that of a 10-story building. Water, sand, and soil from various holy places like Kashi, Gangotri, Rishikesh, Rameswaram, Danushkodi, Badrinath, Gomukh, and Kailash are also being mixed with the construction materials. Hence, the Shiva Lingam of Chenkal Maheswaram Sri Sivaparvathi Temple is being said to be a divine structure.

€ 399.00
€ 50.00

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