Video Details:
Date: 2020/09/03 File Size: 161.05 MB
Duration: 00:01:28 Frame Size: 1920 x 1080

Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee celebrates 'Khunti puja

Durbar Mahila Samanwaya Committee a collectivisation of approximately 65000 sex workers of Kolkata, functions specially for sex workers and transgender community, organised ‘Khunti puja’ a customary rituals before putting up pandals to initiate festivity Durga Puja at the biggest Red light area Sonagachi in Kolkata on September 2nd, 2020. The sex workers and Transgenders performed as Durga to celebrate the occasion. SOUNDBITE: Rajkumar Das, Transgender - This year our Durga Puja festival turns on eighth years of celebration. We couldn’t expect that we will ever get chance to celebrate Durga Puja a religious festival and it’s rituals in such a way. We never thought that we will be able to take part in this festivity like others. We are thankful to ‘Durbar’ which made it all possible such a way for us.

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