Video Details:
Date: 2018/03/22 File Size: 78.30 MB
Duration: 00:01:04 Frame Size: 1920 x 1080

Indonesian Islam Front Defender Demonstration in Front of Temp Indonesia Local Media

FPI Representative in Jakarta, Indonesia, on March 16, 2018. Hundreds of participant from Indonesian Islam Front Defender held demonstration in front of Tempo Media as one of large media in Indonesia. They protest related to Tempo cartoon about a man who said to a woman that he cancelled going home to Indonesia, the organization felt that the caricature insult their leader Habib Rizieq. The representative of the organization met with Tempo representative and agreed to solve the problem in peacefull way and Tempo promise to publish the somation from FPI on Monday at their magazine, but Tempo stressed out that what they did will follow to Indonesian Pers Board which the controlled of pers activity in Indonesia whether the caricature is follow of journalism ethic or not.

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