Video Details:
Date: 2022/01/25 File Size: 160.25 MB
Duration: 00:01:30 Frame Size: 1920 x 1080

Pastry shop adopts the Green Pass as Italy makes it mandatory for indoor activities

Italy rolls out its newly expanded Green Pass rules today, Friday, 6 August. The Green Pass will be required for indoor dining in restaurants and bars, museums, cinemas, and gyms. Italy's 'Green Pass' certificate shows that people have been vaccinated, tested negative, or recovered from covid-19. SHOTLIST: Fabrizio Graziati, owner of Pasticceria Graziati in Padua, talks about the guidelines adopted while a customer exposes her GreenPass to a waiter equipped with a PDA with an App.

€ 399.00
€ 50.00

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